Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Social Media

Social media is very important to me. I honestly feel like how you express yourself on social media is actually who you are and how you want people to view you. Especially in my case, it is crucial that I remember this because, depending on my posts, someone could view me in a very negative way that I do not wish to be viewed in. You may not think of it as a big deal when you are making a post, but anything put on a social media sight stays there forever, even if it gets deleted. Honestly, if an employer, parent, or anyone else higher than me were to view all of my social posts; whether it be Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram; I would be perfectly comfortable with it. I have always been told to watch what I put out there, so I always will.

Kim Kardashian

I am going to be analyzing Kim Kardashian's twitter for my essay. Kim Kardashian is a currently a very popular celebrity and a lot of social drama is focused on her and her family. Her personal twitter is interesting. She mixes tweets directly pertaining to her career with glimpses into her personal life. She even adds some emotional touches you would not expect from a professional. It will be interesting analyzing the difference of her fan's views of her from her family's television show to her own personal twitter. I want to research it to see which place she is more willing to express herself more accurately. They may be really similar, so maybe I can find some background information on her before the show even started and changed the view of her publicly. She may have been a completely different person before she had the chance to be in front of millions of people who never knew her before and change the view of herself. I think she will be a very fun person to analyze.